11 research outputs found

    Tömegspektrometriás módszer optimalizálása endokannabinoidok különböző biológiai mátrixokból történő kvantitatív meghatározására

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    Egy endogén szignalizációs rendszer, amit endokannabinoid rendszernek (ECS) neveznek, melynek részét képezik az 1-es és 2-es típusú kannabinoid membrán receptorok (CB1, CB2), továbbá az endogén ligandok, melyek az endokannabinoid (EC) nevet viselik, valamint a szintézist és inaktivációt végző enzimek. Az ECS széles körben elterjedt, neuromodulációs rendszer az agyban, metabolikus funkciók szabályzását végzi a periférián, valamint az immunrendszer működését is befolyásolja. Ez a szignalizációs rendszer egy fontos stressz puffer, befolyásolja az emocionális és kognitív funkciókat is. Ezen rendkívül fontos biológiai funkciók miatt elengedhetetlen, hogy rendelkezésre álljon egy megbízható, gyors, pontos, reprodukálható analitikai módszer, amellyel EC vegyületek mennyiségi meghatározása lehetségessé válik. Így célom volt, hogy optimalizáljam a szakirodalomban leírt módszert, ami megfelel a fenti követelményeknek. 6 EC vegyület kvantitatív meghatározását végeztem el különböző biológiai mátrixokból.MSc/MABiotechnológiaD

    South Indian Isolates of the Fusarium solani Species Complex From Clinical and Environmental Samples: Identification, Antifungal Susceptibilities, and Virulence

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    Members of the Fusarium solani species complex (FSSC) are the most frequently isolated fusaria from soil. Moreover, this complex solely affects more than 100 plant genera, and is also one of the major opportunistic human pathogenic filamentous fungi, being responsible for approximately two-third of fusariosis cases. Mycotic keratitis due to Fusarium species is among the leading causes of visual impairment and blindness in South India, but its management is still challenging due to the poor susceptibility of the isolates to conventional antifungal drugs. Aims of the present study were to isolate South Indian clinical and environmental FSSC strains and identify them to species level, to determine the actual trends in their susceptibilities to antifungal therapeutic drugs and to compare the virulence of clinical and environmental FSSC members. Based on the partial sequences of the translation elongation factor 1α gene, the majority of the isolates—both from keratomycosis and environment—were confirmed as F. falciforme, followed by F. keratoplasticum and F. solani sensu stricto. In vitro antifungal susceptibilities to commonly used azole, allylamine and polyene antifungals were determined by the CLSI M38-A2 broth microdilution method. The first generation triazoles, fluconazole and itraconazole proved to be ineffective against all isolates tested. This phenomenon has already been described before, as fusaria are intrinsically resistant to them. However, our results indicated that despite the intensive agricultural use of azole compounds, fusaria have not developed resistance against the imidazole class of antifungals. In order to compare the virulence of different FSSC species from clinical and environmental sources, a Drosophila melanogaster model was used. MyD88 mutant flies having impaired immune responses were highly susceptible to all the examined fusaria. In wild-type flies, one F. falciforme and two F. keratoplasticum strains also reduced the survival significantly. Pathogenicity seemed to be independent from the origin of the isolates

    Additional file 1: of Endophytic fungi from the roots of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) and their interactions with the defensive metabolites of the glucosinolate - myrosinase - isothiocyanate system

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    Figures S1-S9. Supplementary Figures (including Compound structures; Decomposition of minor glucosinolates in horseradish extract by endophytic and soil fungi; Sinigrin decomposition by endophytes in sinigrin-supplemented Saboraud Glucose Broth; Growth curves; SPME-GC-MS chromatograms; LC-MS extracted ion chromatograms; Growth inhibition curves and IC50 calculation) and additional methodical details on SPME-GC-MS. (PDF 5696 kb